Prenatal Visits


I tested positive on a pregnancy test, now what?

If you plan to see a midwife for your pregnancy, please phone their office asap after confirming that you are pregnant.  Midwives fill up very quickly and you may miss out on being able to see a midwife for care if you wait too long.

If you plan to see an obstetrician, if you are undecided about who to see, or if you have any other issues about pregnancy you would like to discuss with your doctor, please book an appointment with our office as early as possible into your pregnancy, usually around 5-6 weeks.  This can be booked online as a 15 minute video or in-person appointment, just put the reason for the appointment as "positive pregnancy test". 

We do have pregnancy tests at the office, however they are not covered by OHIP so there is a $5 charge if you would like us to do a pregnancy test.  If you have concerns about whether you are actually pregnant or not, it is best to book an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible so they can discuss what other testing methods are available.  


First Major Prenatal

Dr Stefanie does the first in-person major prenatal at 11-12 weeks, and Dr Scott does the first in-person major prenatal at 8-10 weeks.  This appointment can take anywhere from 20-30 minutes, and it involves filling out detailed forms as well as a complete check-up (including pap if due) plus a urine sample.  Dr. Wright will also go over what to expect during your pregnancy and in each successive prenatal visit.  


Following Visits

The routine visits following your first major prenatal won't take as long, but you will still need to do a urine sample at every prenatal visit, so please come prepared.